Graduating With the Master Class of Physical Reality? Or Forever Stuck in Kindergarten With Childlike Beliefs in Santa Claus, Heaven and Hell! - Advancing In Enlightment: The Crash Course Book
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Graduating With the Master Class of Physical Reality? Or Forever Stuck in Kindergarten With Childlike Beliefs in Santa Claus, Heaven and Hell!

Graduating With the Master Class of Physical Reality? Or Forever Stuck in Kindergarten With Childlike Beliefs in Santa Claus, Heaven and Hell!


Graduating With the Master Class of Physical Reality? Or Forever Stuck in Kindergarten With Childlike Beliefs in Santa Claus, Heaven and Hell!

If you are an adult you passed through the stages of growing up and your awareness of the world around you widened and you may have even traveled to far-away places. Even without physically traveling we have television sets that take us to these far off places. We have been made aware that the people living in these different areas also may hold different beliefs than the ones we currently grew up with and they function perfectly within the communities they built for themselves.

And I say currently because all through history we’ve seen belief change. As an example before we had telescopes people believed the sun revolved around the earth and even that the earth was flat and if you disagreed with the norm you were severely dealt with. But when presented with undeniable evidence proving the belief to be false there is but one choice and that’s to discard the false belief.

Humanity has adopted many different religious beliefs as they searched outwardly for their creator. But we will never find answers outside of ourselves, for the God we search for dwells within each individual. We have always possessed the divine connection we search for inside for our bodies are the temple.

Much information has been given to us for decades, which now comes through clearly, from the higher realms of creation explaining how to operate more efficiently in third dimension. We’re shown how to connect with guidance from the eternal soul that brings each individual the life force sustaining their very existence.

Everyone will have a different thought about that because that is the true nature of our existence. We’re conscious thinkers that continue on regardless if we temporarily house our thoughts within a physical body and yet we are not our consciousness. It’s something we use to transfer thought, increase our awareness and it can be turned in many different directions. Inward, outward, sideways and into deeper levels that deliver all manner of information. Turned inward you can acknowledge an illness growing inside before outward symptoms appear guiding you to fast healing.

The eternal soul is an extension of the God Source energy sent off in search of answers and the physical body is the physical extension of the eternal soul. The soul entity splits and sends out a portion extending to its physical counterpart dwelling in the lower vibration habitat and after the life experience is complete will recall that portion back unto itself which has never left its eternal home in the light and love of God.

Only the physical body is born and dies but you are not your physical body you only inhabit one for a short time. You enter awareness in and you shift awareness out so for you there is only an eternity of shifting never birth or death. To experience dark you shift to third dimension.

A reality of darkness doesn’t exist outside of physical reality (unless you bring it with you believing you’re in a dark place immediately following the death experience) and if we lived our life aligned with the light and love extended to us by our eternal twin we wouldn’t find any darkness here either, it doesn’t have to play a part in any life experience. Heaven and Hell are states of being created by the holder of such beliefs to help contain their limited beliefs. They simply can’t grasp the idea of infinity or eternity.

But this is a free will zone and anyone has a choice to act out in ungodly ways. You need not have fear of them for anyone who maintains a high vibration will never be in the vicinity of one acting out within that lower vibration. Those of a lower vibration would not be able to find or see you for those in darkness are blinded by the light. But if you live in fear with constant thoughts of all the things that could harm you, you’ve placed yourself in a lower vibration and made visible. You may think your thoughts are private but they have an electromagnetic reality whose vibration draws in and connects with many others of like mind. From your fear you set yourself up to play out the role of being a victim, you must learn not to do that.

Our physical reality came into existence because our creator thought it necessary. Answers were needed of the most basic question concerning opposites. If there is light what is darkness? Every aspect concerning darkness can be experienced here but that doesn’t mean everyone has to. The soul also searches out joy and greatly desires to experience it physically with us. It constantly seeks out the joy of physical creation. We exist is a universe of well-being that flows to all but those acting out negatively pinch it off disrupting their connection.

Our creator is one of the purest light energy gestalts found to exist with an awareness of conscious thought. The vibrating atoms forming it contain the highest vibration of love and joy. Darkness or unknowing is a product of a lower vibration and can’t exist in the same space. With great love our creator created a place of low vibration and enclosed it within powerful magnetic fields where one could go to experience the unknown darkness and bring the information back. In that regard we are all volunteers having chosen to come.

That is the reason for our three dimensional world but our world is hardly as three dimensional as it might appear to be for it is intertwined with a conscious awareness of the multi-dimensional environment from which it sprang created by the thoughts of a multi-dimensional God.

Ours is a multi-dimensional creation where every thought is manifest into physical reality. With every decision you bring to physical reality the decision not followed is made just as real in a probable reality.  Infinite numbers of probable worlds are created at every intersection of decision. Ideas and desires are manifested in the non-physical and with knowing that they exist there you can manifest them into your reality.

When you pass from this life you may want to explore the paths not taken. You’re presented with unlimited choices and other dimensions to experience but when choosing the physical experience it was done with a lesson in mind which is usually impossible to accomplish in just one lifespan. The eternal soul would have divided it between anywhere from one to ten-thousand lifetimes to accomplish its goals. All these physical counterparts share the same multidimensional DNA as the soul and are so connected by what you understand as reincarnation but not one after the other but all at once. All lives the soul has chosen become your Akashic Record and all exist at the same time. Everything from the earths first construction to its final destruction all happens at the same time, just as you can have a multitude of television programs to choose from at any given time. The soul is aware of it all and scans through it at billions of times per second as it moves us through each moment which to us is perceived as the passage of time but there is only here, there is only now.

The idea we have of time doesn’t actually exist here nor does our idea of space. When you look up at the night sky what you are looking at are frozen moments in time and space appearing as stars and planets in an infinite universe through three dimensional eyes. All of it was created in the blink of an eye by our creator who figured out how to learn about the dark and enclose it within magnetic fields to place enlightenment out of reach until enough was learned about the dark and the fields made thin so knowledge of the light on the other side could get in. There in the higher dimensions far beyond our capability to see lies our galactic family of light beings.

Someone asked me once what the difference was between aliens and angels and the answer is a simple one. An angel is non-physical where an alien is a high vibration being while still in a physical state.

That brings us to where we are now, with the magnetic fields at their thinnest in recorded history.  Enlightenment floods the planet so all who have searched for answers about their divine heritage would find them, put them into practice and evolve to the next dimension of existence which is new and something humanity has not done yet. All in the higher dimensions are awaiting our graduation and return to family.

As graduates we will travel to a place that has been prepared, just as our earth was, to a place in the universe we’ve never traveled before. Sounds good but we’re not there yet. It will happen when enough of earth’s participants have taken on the higher vibration and aligned with it. This will happen fast as we’ve entered the age of the great awakening. After that the critical mass quotient will transform our planet into its new position.

On December 21, 2012 the question was posed by our creator if we wanted to go and the reply was a resounding yes. And the answer was not given with words but by the high vibration flowing through the human bodies into the planet. It’s the planets high vibration that will take us there but it’s our high vibration that propels it. I wrote my book as a guide to the teachers of enlightenment who channeled the information directly from those already existing in the higher dimensions. These teachings are meant for those of us who are living at this time but not meant for everyone. One has to choose it.

With that being said what remains for those not coming? The light will have passed and the old earth will begin a cycle of returning to darkness for a short while. After that there would be no need to continue. There would have been a consciousness shift to the new physical state of higher dimension with the old world becoming the probable reality not chosen. Your old body would continue to exist in that shadow world but it would not be the choice of what you decided to make real. You would open your eyes to a new world in a new place of ascension. That is the ascension that awaits us, not a trip to an unchanging heaven. You will find yourself in a light body, feeding on light energy in a perfect world free of negativity, fear, domination or control in joyful freedom. It’s still a physical state that will operate at a higher vibration and in communication with those already there. We will be reunited with our Galactic Family. Your eternal soul may have chosen incarnations there so many of us are already connected that’s why I say reunited.

So are you ready to graduate with the masterclass of physical reality or staying in kindergarten with a shallow belief in heaven and hell? You get to choose. And we still have 18 more years of galactic alignment to enjoy.

This information is considered to be esoteric meaning it could only be understood by those enlightened with the knowledge but now the same information is coming from many different sources. Science has found God in quantum physics and there are people teaching the keys to becoming quantum missing the soul connection. You need no keys for your soul is multi-dimensional and you’re already connected through your Akashic Record which you can and do access in the dream-state and by using hypnosis.

Ancient records have been discovered giving the same information also leaving out that it was derived from communication coming from within. As long as we have received the information Spirit doesn’t care if they are left out but if you want to receive information directly and not have to search for it outside of yourself strengthen your connection and open the lines of communication available from your higher-self that already dwells within. Everyone has the ability to channel and you already do it but you think your ideas originate in your brain when an idea can only come from the soul. Along with inspiration, intuition and creativity you also possess passion. But excitement is direct guidance alerting you of alignment with the soul intention designed for you. Following the path of your highest excitement is your pathway to living a joyful life. Congratulations, you are now in graduation status. If you’d like to hear the messages of Kryon, Abraham or Bashar you can find even new recordings on You Tube or their Websites.

How would you like to have an archangel explain death? You can, just google Kryon explains death. Or what about information coming from the higher intelligence of Bashar explaining how the eternal soul delivers messages to us? For his digital recording on that explanation just google Bashar Download and choose the picture of the brain then prepare to get connected. It’s that simple to get answers to any question you may have. And if you could imagine them taking off a mask you would be amazed to see the image of your eternal soul who all the while was the one delivering the answers to your questions.  After all everything we experience is contained in the dream our soul is having, you remember the song, row, row, row your boat gently down the stream, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream.

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