About The Author - Advancing In Enlightment: The Crash Course Book
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About The Author

About the Author: Gail M. Knox

Gail was born in Chicago, IL., in 1955 as Gail Marie Williams. She moved to the western suburbs at age 8. She embarked on her spiritual path at the age of 14 in 1970 after her oldest sister Madeline gave her a copy of The Seth Material written by Jane Roberts. She would follow the Seth books until 1990 when she purchased The God of Jane and The Magical Approach where she learned in the dedication that Jane had passed in 1984 the same year her mother passed.


She had a collection of 21 books by Jane Roberts which she read every 2 years until 2002 when Madeline presented her with the first 3 Kryon books channeled by Lee Carroll. Book 8 was out that year and it didn’t take long to read them all. There was mention of the fifth dimensional Pleiadians but not much information about them.


In searching she found Barbara Hand Clow and purchased 2 books, The Pleiadian Agenda and The Alchemy of Nine Dimensions, which filled in much missing information from other channeled messages and yet was in agreement with the other teachings. That was in 2004.


Also in 2004 she found the book Ask and it is Given, which gave us the channeled messages from Abraham delivered to Ester Hicks. This book entails the thorough teaching about the Universal Law of Attraction. It tells what it is and its use in learning how to be the deliberate creator of your physical reality. Again these teachings were mentioned but not as extensively as covered by Abraham.


Even with all that was covered in the many channeled messages there were still gaps remaining to completing a study that contained all the answers until finally finding Bashar channeled by Darryl Anka around the year 2012. Bashar’s messages are all digital downloads and Gail purchased her first laptop in 2012 and was introduced to the internet where she at last found Bashar and the remaining pieces. In 2009 she attended a Kryon event at the Summer Light Festival on Sedona. Going on a vortex tour she encountered a Native American medicine wheel.

When arriving home she and her husband Mark constructed one and Gail decided to write a book about it. After much writing there was more information about the metaphysical power behind it than about the medicine wheel so the book focused more on spiritual connection with one chapter devoted to the medicine wheel.


The book turned out to be a great guide to the channels and return to self-empowerment. Her second book focuses more on the how to achieve self-empowerment by following the instructions and exercises given by the channels over the years. Once again she combines them all to include the many aspects covered in the different channels providing for a better chance of complete understanding and success. The belief one holds about anything is always the deciding factor.


Her main career for the last 25 years has been with the postal service which she has found to be very fulfilling. At retirement she will still continue writing more books creating an Advancing in Enlightenment series as our story is never-ending with generations still yet to come.